EXCLUSIVE: Emalia pens a letter to her younger self

EXCLUSIVE: Emalia pens a letter to her younger self

Australia’s Emalia has proven to one of the most exciting stars on the rise since she released her debut single ‘Prima Donna’ just under a year ago. Her impressive, R&B-pop blend soundscape has carried through a number of singles and last week she released her latest track ‘IOU’, featuring Guapdad 4000, a silky smooth anthem to female empowerment.

To tie in with the release of ‘IOU’, Emalia has penned a beautiful and poignant letter to her younger self that ties in her eternal love of music with her desire to constantly empower women around her - in this case, her younger self. We are proud to publish this letter today exclusively on Women In Pop.


Dear my younger self,

You are probably sitting there right now atop your pink and purple, love heart printed king single bed sheets, discman in hand, blasting ‘Survivor’ by Destiny’s Child through your little earphones. You’re singing along at the top of your lungs, re-enacting their fierce choreography (and er… that iconic ‘stranded life-raft’ scene, an incredibly dramatic and moving rendition, might I say) as if you were making your very own music video for the world to see.

Mum opens your bedroom door to see what all the fuss is about. You tell her you’re listening to that So Fresh CD she gave you, and JLO’s up next. Suspicion washes over her face as she asks you if you’ve completed your vocal warm ups yet. Now by this point, there’s probably a little wave of annoyance AND pride within you. Because you absolutely have completed your vocal warm ups. After all, if you want your voice to be the best it can be, it’s just what you have to do, right?

You’re 100 percent right. What if I told you that one day, you will get to make a music video of your very own? What if I told you that one day, you would be making and releasing music, working with an incredible team of people who believe in you? What if I told you that one day, there will be people that message you thanking you for the difference you’ve made in their lives? What if I told you that all that hard work you have been putting in will bring you opportunities to do what you’ve always dreamed of doing? Would you promise me to always stay committed to your training?

I hope so. In fact, I know you would. You were always thinking of me, even from such a young age. And I am forever grateful. But there’s a few things you might not be thinking about that I want you to consider;

Life can be tough sometimes. I know it’s something Dad has probably told you before, and unfortunately it’s something that you will only start to truly comprehend as you grow. Nothing is a given. There are going to be times that you feel like quitting from all the pressure you place on yourself. I know that seems unlikely to you in this moment, but I want you to hear me out. How you handle these times is imperative .

There are going to be times when your school peers might be a little mean to you. They might laugh at your musical theatre performance, or about that pink tutu you decide to wear on orientation day in primary school. I still want you to wear it, and enjoy every moment of it. Don’t throw the tutu out. And don’t stop getting up on stage. Those kids in high school might think you’re a little dramatic, or a little ‘extra’ as we like to say these days. They might not like it when you speak your mind. Some might twist your words, or place words in your mouth entirely. It might make you think twice about being so honest all the time. But never stop doing so. Speak it proudly. There are people out there who want to hear your truth.

There are going to be auditions that don’t go so well. There are going to be audiences and industry professionals who don’t see the potential within you straight away, if ever. There are going to be people who ask you what your ‘real job’ is. Hold your head up high when you tell them. Don’t worry about where you are at on your journey in comparison to where you want to be.

There are going to be times that you make mistakes. I want you to always own up to them, and apologise when an apology is owed. But don’t beat yourself up. Don’t live in the past. I’m still working on getting better at that, so perhaps you could help me?

There are going to be boys who enter your life and make you feel like the most special girl in the world. There are going to be boys who make your heart ache. Sometimes they might be the same boy. And there is beauty in both of these things. Sometimes even your bestest friends might make you feel this way. Remember you are worthy. Your self-worth is not defined by who else is willing to love you, it is hidden in the love you show yourself. But hey, don’t forget to record the melodies that chime out from that pain in your chest in these moments (they might come in handy later).

There are going to be male colleagues that don’t respect you the way your dad always taught you they should. There are going to be constructs designed to make you feel like a ‘little girl’ who has no idea what you are doing. Like you have no real opinion, or concept of how things work. You might worry so much about if they’re right, you stop making decisions for yourself. But I want you to go out and learn. Educate yourself. Share what you learn with others who need it. Never lose your voice. And remember that even as a little girl, you had a pretty good grasp on what you wanted out of life (if I do say so myself). Hold that grasp firm.

There are going to be days when you look at the TV screen and compare yourself to the actress there. I am not even going to entertain this, turn the TV off and walk away. You walk straight to the mirror and you tell yourself, “I am beautiful. I am enough”. You remember who you are and all you have to offer. Appreciate the skin you are in at that very moment. Don’t end up looking back on photos of yourself wondering why you couldn’t appreciate the unique beauty that was in them.

There are going to be days when you don’t want to get out of bed. There are going to be nights when you have so many thoughts filling your head, your heart will start to race and you won’t know how to slow it. There are going to be hours when you sit in an office with a really nice lady, and cry your eyes out to her. These hours, although tough, are important. These will help you. Listen to yourself in those moments. Days will follow where you will put pen to paper, and make something really special. It’s a type of therapy like no other, a strategy ingrained in you. You are so incredibly lucky to have this. One day you might even help others by using it.

There are going to be months that bring real struggles to you. You will be juggling bills, responsibilities, a part time job with a full time career, your mental and physical health, a social life, and your sanity. You will want to stop. You will question your entire belief system. Bring yourself back to right now where you are in your bedroom, listening to music with nothing but passion and a dream. This is the core of you and everything you are and will continue to become.

This might all sound a little sad. A little dreary. Remember that it is okay to not be okay all the time. You see, I felt it necessary that I tell you about these times, because these are the times that will force you to grow; the times that will give you inspiration like no other, that will test you and push you to what you think are your limits before you break through into a whole new level. These are the times that will make you stop and think back to where you are right now. The times that will show you, yes girl, YOU ARE A SURVIVOR. SING IT LOUD AND PROUD (well, until mum and dad tell you that’s enough for today, but you get my point).

I am proud of you for being so focused on your dreams. And I’m not saying I’ve got it all figured out, far from. But I want you to live in the now, and live for no one but you. Thinking about the future is important, yes, but time will pass you by before you even realise. There is no time like the present. I want you to ENJOY THE PROCESS. The moments, both good and bad. Soak it up. Relish in it. Learn to truly appreciate the endless weeks spent rehearsing for shows with like-minded individuals who will become life-long friends; The times when you are in a studio, sharing truth with a bunch of very talented and cherished humans, to create something that fills your heart with such euphoria you can’t stop dancing; The rejection letters that ignite determination within you; The long flights to destinations that will blow your mind, and teach you so much about the world and yourself; And the long nights without sleep where you write your little heart out until the sun comes up. 

Learn to give yourself breaks. Make time for the afternoons when you are curled up in bed with your favourite book and a hot chocolate, whisked away on a magical adventure with three best friends that you will forever be fond of. The evenings where you indulge in delicious foods and jazz music, while playing board games with those closest to you, who you have watched blossom into a beautiful family. The midnights, surrounded by sweaty bodies and heavy lo-fi’s. And never take for granted the times when you are surrounded by your loved ones, reminiscing on how far you have all come. 

And please, don’t ever stop. Don’t ever lose the fire that you have within you, as you practise all those runs Riri sings in ‘SOS’; as you watch the Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, Travis Scott concert specials; as you dance in the rain alongside thousands of people watching one of your favourite artists perform live; as you get up on stage, nerves dancing down your spine, but you shake them off and take that first deep breath before letting your soul out to the world. Look around you, breathe in the fresh air, remember the emotions, the sounds, the scents that have catapulted you to this very moment. And read this letter whenever you can’t find your discman to remind you; you’re a survivor.


‘IOU’ is out now via Sony Music Australia. You can download and stream here.

To keep up with all things Emalia, you can follow her on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

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